Champion 90 is a highly efficient sulphur fertilizer designed to provide a quick and effective supply of sulphur to your crops. It offers numerous benefits, making it an essential addition to agricultural practices aimed at improving soil health and crop yield.
Key Benefits:
High nutrient efficiency: Low application rates are required, making it cost-effective.
Rapid sulphur availability: Provides sulphur quickly to plants for enhanced growth.
Versatile application: Suitable for various methods like broadcasting, top dressing with urea, drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, and soil drenching.
Soil pH management: Helps reduce soil pH in saline and alkaline soils.
Nutrient uptake improvement: Enhances the uptake and metabolism of essential nutrients like NPK and micronutrients.
Improved oil content: Increases oil content in oilseed crops.
Pest and disease resistance: Contributes to developing crop resistance against pests and diseases.